Make Rick Reilly Donate $20K To Nothing But Nets
As you may have noticed when visiting 80% Mental, there has always been a box over to the right of the main page connecting you to the Nothing But Nets program. Of all the many worthwhile causes out there, the simplicity of buying a insecticide-treated bed net for a child or family to keep them safe from malaria-carrying mosquitos always made sense to me.
With April 25th being World Malaria Day, could you please check out Rick Reilly's challenge below? He is matching all bed net donations through Thursday, up to 20,000. The bed nets are $10 each to purchase, deliver and set-up for a thankful family.
I really appreciate everyone who visits this site. Let's make Rick pry open his checkbook!
United Nations Foundation

With April 25th being World Malaria Day, could you please check out Rick Reilly's challenge below? He is matching all bed net donations through Thursday, up to 20,000. The bed nets are $10 each to purchase, deliver and set-up for a thankful family.
I really appreciate everyone who visits this site. Let's make Rick pry open his checkbook!
Dear Dan,
I want to make sure every child in sub-Saharan Africa is sleeping safely at night under a life-saving, anti-malarial bed net. But I can't do it without you, Dan.
That's why I told you last week that I am going to match every dollar you donate to the United Nations Foundation's Nothing But Nets campaign by April 25th, World Malaria Day.
Our goal is to hang 20,000 more insecticide-treated bed nets in homes in Africa. And we're off to a great start! So many caring friends like you have stepped forward, donating 1,889 bed nets so far, which I've matched for a total of 3,778 nets.
That means 3,778 families and thousands of children will now be protected from this deadly disease.
So what are you waiting for? I urge you to make a generous gift to Nothing But Nets right now and send as many nets as you can. The more you give, the more I give, and the more lives we save!
I helped launch Nothing But Nets in 2006. I was sitting in a hotel room and I flipped on the television. I was stunned to hear that 3,000 children died every day from malaria, simply because they don't sleep under a bed net at night. How could it be, I wondered, that so many children were dying from such an easily preventable disease?
Then I had a thought—who better to provide families with insecticide-treated bed nets than sports fans? Sports fans love nets!
I wrote a column in Sports Illustrated asking each of my readers to donate $10 to Nothing But Nets. That first month, friends like you donated more than $1 million. Since then, we have raised more than $40 million, providing families across Africa more than 7 million nets to protect them from malaria.
We've made great progress. In areas where you’ve helped Nothing But Nets put bed nets in most homes, we've reduced transmission rates of malaria by up to 90%!
So let's finish the job and cover Africa. I will match your gift to Nothing But Nets, so every dollar you give today will make even more of a difference.
As a loyal supporter of Nothing But Nets, you know what a simple, long-lasting bed net can do. You know that it can keep a child safe, and allow them not only to survive, but to grow up healthy and strong—like every kid should.
It's so simple. Malaria kills. Nets save lives.
So will you help me provide 20,000 new nets by World Malaria Day, April 25th? Remember, it costs just $10 to put an anti-malaria net above a child's bed. But, because I am going to match your gift dollar for dollar, every $10 you give today will provide two life-saving nets.
Together, we can create a world in which no child or his mother or father ever has to fear this devastating disease.
Yours truly,

Rick Reilly
P.S. Dan, every long-lasting bed net you send can save a child's life. The more nets we send, the more families and entire communities we can protect from malaria. Together, we can cover Africa. So please send as many nets as you can today, and I'll send an equal number. Then we both get to be life-savers!
Thank you.

That's why I told you last week that I am going to match every dollar you donate to the United Nations Foundation's Nothing But Nets campaign by April 25th, World Malaria Day.
Our goal is to hang 20,000 more insecticide-treated bed nets in homes in Africa. And we're off to a great start! So many caring friends like you have stepped forward, donating 1,889 bed nets so far, which I've matched for a total of 3,778 nets.
That means 3,778 families and thousands of children will now be protected from this deadly disease.
So what are you waiting for? I urge you to make a generous gift to Nothing But Nets right now and send as many nets as you can. The more you give, the more I give, and the more lives we save!
I helped launch Nothing But Nets in 2006. I was sitting in a hotel room and I flipped on the television. I was stunned to hear that 3,000 children died every day from malaria, simply because they don't sleep under a bed net at night. How could it be, I wondered, that so many children were dying from such an easily preventable disease?
Then I had a thought—who better to provide families with insecticide-treated bed nets than sports fans? Sports fans love nets!
I wrote a column in Sports Illustrated asking each of my readers to donate $10 to Nothing But Nets. That first month, friends like you donated more than $1 million. Since then, we have raised more than $40 million, providing families across Africa more than 7 million nets to protect them from malaria.
We've made great progress. In areas where you’ve helped Nothing But Nets put bed nets in most homes, we've reduced transmission rates of malaria by up to 90%!
So let's finish the job and cover Africa. I will match your gift to Nothing But Nets, so every dollar you give today will make even more of a difference.
As a loyal supporter of Nothing But Nets, you know what a simple, long-lasting bed net can do. You know that it can keep a child safe, and allow them not only to survive, but to grow up healthy and strong—like every kid should.
It's so simple. Malaria kills. Nets save lives.
So will you help me provide 20,000 new nets by World Malaria Day, April 25th? Remember, it costs just $10 to put an anti-malaria net above a child's bed. But, because I am going to match your gift dollar for dollar, every $10 you give today will provide two life-saving nets.
Together, we can create a world in which no child or his mother or father ever has to fear this devastating disease.
Yours truly,

Rick Reilly
P.S. Dan, every long-lasting bed net you send can save a child's life. The more nets we send, the more families and entire communities we can protect from malaria. Together, we can cover Africa. So please send as many nets as you can today, and I'll send an equal number. Then we both get to be life-savers!
Thank you.